Welcome to Aberg.ch

Unlock your financial potential

There are few things in life that are more exciting or rewarding than making investments.

It's also one of the things in life that you become better at the older you get. Just look at Warren Buffet who is in his nineties and is considered to be the world's best investors. I haven't reached their age yet but I am old enough to have more than 20 years of investing experience and have gained that experience through a number of bull markets as well as recessions and extended bear markets. This has taught me a lot ...

En person i en lyseblå skjorte sitter ved et bord med en bærbar datamaskin og gestikulerer mens han snakker. De er i et skyggefullt uteområde med trær og en bygning synlig i bakgrunnen.
En person i lyseblå skjorte står og smiler utendørs. Bakgrunnen har en buegang, grøntområder og hvite stoler på en plen under klar himmel.


articles and analyses



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Is now really a good time to invest?
Is now really a good time to invest?

My thoughts on  investments

The answer to that question is another question. What is your investment horizon? If your answer to that question is 10 years then the answer to the question is probably yes. If you need the money next year or if you don’t have the stomach to see your investment lose 10% or even 20% in value over the next couple of months the answer is no.

Industrials Manufacturers – Investment Analysis
Industrials Manufacturers – Investment Analysis

Industry analyses

An analysis of the industrials manufacturers industry. The purpose of this report is to analyse the Swedish industrial manufacturers and to assess their investment potential. The report also aims at identifying specific companies in the industry that are candidates for investment. These candidates will be analysed in a separate more company specific analysis.

Durable consumer goods – Investment Analysis
Durable consumer goods – Investment Analysis

Industry analyses

An analysis of the durable consumer goods industry. The purpose of this report is to analyse the Nordic consumer durables or durable goods industry and to assess its investment potential. The report also aims at identifying specific companies in the industry that are candidates for investment. These candidates will be analysed in a separate more company specific analysis.

Medical devices –  Investment Analysis
Medical devices – Investment Analysis

Industry analyses

An analysis of the medical devices industry. The purpose of this report is to analyse the Nordic medical devices industry and to assess its investment potential. The report also aims at identifying specific companies in the industry that are candidates for investment. These candidates will be analysed in a separate more company specific analysis.

Forest and forest products – Investment Analysis
Forest and forest products – Investment Analysis

Industry analyses

An analysis of the forest and forest product industry. The purpose of this report is to analyse the forest and forest product industry and to assess its investment potential. The report also aims at identifying specific companies in the industry that are candidates for investment. These candidates will be analysed in separate more company specific analyses.


My portfolio

Core holdings

High growth and risk

Special situations

Core holdings





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High growth and risk





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Special situations





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Our author

Mikael Åberg

Mikael Åberg

Investor and author

If you find my writing interesting and would like to get insights into the investments I have made I would be happy to give you access to my portfolio. These are the companies that I believe in and that I plan to keep for a long time. I have held most of them for a long time already. Over the years I have made my fair share of mistakes and in some cases I still hang on to these companies. There are other companies that I have taken a small position in and where I am not yet convinced that it will be a long-term success. I will only put them into my portfolio once I am convinced that they are likely to be successful. The advantage is that you don’t have to repeat the same mistakes that I made.

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En person som holder en penn peker på en graf på et finansdokument. Scenen inkluderer en kopp kaffe, en åpen bærbar datamaskin, en kalender og en notatbok på et trepult, som indikerer et arbeids- eller studiemiljø.
En person i dress sitter ved et skrivebord og holder en smarttelefon foran en bærbar datamaskin som viser et finansdiagram med en oppadgående trend. Et glass vann står på skrivebordet.